
Empowering people

who help people.

Upstream International
Our Role
Design, Development, UX, Iconography, Color, Content Strategy,
E-Commerce website, branding materials, iconography

Upstream seeks to create a positive impact on the world.
We built the tool to help them gain momentum.

Our first meeting with Joe and Sami, founders of Upstream International, shattered our expectations for the project and the pair we were to work with. Upon initially learning about the former pastor who started his own missionary organization with his wife and their eight kids, our assumptions were not to meet a pair of tattooed, high energy people who combined an easy laugh and an eye for design. We expected far more...seriousness. And while they are very real about the depth of poverty they see in the communities where they work, the energy and light they carry is contagious.

It’s natural to believe in the Upstream mission and body of work when you meet the founders. But they want to take this organization to a global level, gaining momentum beyond friends, acquaintances and people they meet in person. Our challenge was to create a website that immersed the user in the realities of the communities they serve while demonstrating the vibrancy and joy of the Upstream team and ultimately compelled the visitor to get involved.


Warm & Powerful Website Design

A striking yet friendly approach welcomes you to Upstream

The Upstream design takes a bolder approach than the typical charitable organization, using a bright color palette and unique layout to engage the visitor and excite them to go further. The imagery shows real people in Haiti, Uganda and Kenya, but rather than focusing on pictures of poverty, there’s joy, passion, hard work and empowerment. Life IS hard here, but there is beauty throughout.


Upstream Homepage

Get Involved

The homepage was designed to tell the story of the Upstream mission and make a deep connection to the visitor. Each section provides more clarity on how they work and what they do, giving the visitor insight into the communities where Upstream serves. The primary focus is to present the compelling case to get involved, from sponsoring a child to joining a trip. The backend does some heavy lifting with a sponsorship-based ecommerce system. We built the system to include one-time general donations, recurring payments and managing your own account to provide opportunities for the right level of individual involvement in the Upstream mission. 

Sponsor A Child

We designed a visually appealing, yet highly functional format to finding a child to sponsor. Through a feature grid, select categories and the ability to dive deeper into a child’s story, a visitor is encouraged to make a difference and show someone they care.

Being loved, wanted and cared for - that’s the heart of what your sponsorship provides.



Captivate Visitors,
Wherever They Are

Mobile First

Donating to a charity or sponsoring a child is an emotional decision - one that could happen anywhere, anytime. The mobile experience for Upstream needed to maintain the vibrant energy of the desktop experience while functioning to capture donations quickly and effortlessly.

Warm and effective mobile layouts stir emotions and drive generosity.


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Everyone Hates to Move.

HiveBoxx makes moving easy.